Sunday, January 25, 2015

Secret Convergencecast!

The Marvel Universe is ending with "Secret Wars"! The DC Universe is ending with "Convergence"! Steven Brown worries his business is ending with the upheaval of both major companies! Jon and Steven cover the announcements, questioning the wisdom of rebooting, the successes and failures of previous attempts and what it means to current storylines. Also, lots of bitching about Todd McFarlane!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Creator of "Wannabe" Chris Prunkle is here! We talk what makes a successful web comic, how to create on a schedule when your time is compromised and positive genre roles for women! Also, X-Men.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Caesar Antomattei

Vampirella artist and action figure designer Caesar Antomattei is here! Jon and Caesar talk the 90's NY comic scene, their days at Art Asylum working on the legendary Toy Biz Marvel line and finding time to draw with two kids in the house.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

100th Podcast!

It's our 100th episode, two year anniversary and 2014 wrap-up all in one show! Jon and Steven look back at how the podcast has grown over the last year, how geekdom has stayed in the headlines week after week and how a bottle of champagne doesn't go very far.